The Power of Knowledge: Join Slow Fashion USA's #KnowYourLeather Campaign

Slow Fashion USA is thrilled to announce its participation as a national team in the global Slow Fashion Movement's #KnowYourLeather campaign. Beginning on April 1st, 2023, this four-week, multi-platform campaign will enable our team to disseminate knowledge about leather in the fashion industry to consumers throughout the United States.

By collaborating with different Slow Fashion Movement (SFM) teams, we will be promoting sustainable fashion practices and building upon our knowledge on garments. Raising awareness on the overall, intersectional impact of garments is also an essential part of what we do! Through our blog and Instagram, we will share both educational and personal stories surrounding the leather industry. We hope that, throughout the weeks of April, you use your newfound knowledge on leather to make more informed slow fashion decisions.

Week 1: Leather on the Target

A woman wearing a leather jacket

The first week of the campaign starts on Saturday, April 1st, 2023. It will focus on the importance of leather as a fashion material. It will include historical perspectives on leather as the first material humans wore, defining leather, self-expression through fashion, and the leather manifesto from United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27). SFM will elaborate on the importance of leather as a fashion material and discuss topics such as the use of leather in high-end brands, leather's source, and its impact on animals' rights.

Week 2: How is Leather Created?

The second week of the campaign will delve deeper into the creation process of leather. The topics will include whether leather is a waste, co-product, or by-product of the meat industry, the difference between chromium-tanned vs. vegetable-tanned leather, and leather sourcing. Additionally, this week will cover the negative environmental impact of leather production, and how it causes pollution and land destruction.

Week 3: Current Leather Alternatives

During the third week of this campaign, we will explore the latest alternatives to traditional leather. This week will examine materials such as pleather (PU/PVC), plant-based leather substitutes, and biotechnology-based leather-like materials. We will explore the paradox of durability and affordability, and whether vegan fashion is truly sustainable or just a form of "greenwashing.” We will also tackle the challenges of circularity in the leather industry. 

Week 4: Slow Fashion and Leather

A woman standing, wearing a hat and a leather jacket

In the last week of our campaign, we will center our attention on the intersection of slow fashion and leather. This week, we will explore whether leather can be considered a slow material, the impact of second-hand leather, and strategies for extending the lifespan of leather items. We will also provide an understanding on sustainable and circular fashion practices in the leather industry. 

We hope our upcoming educational campaign provides valuable information! By educating and empowering American consumers like you, we can make a difference in creating a fashion ecosystem that safeguards the physical well-being of our planet and its people.

Want to get involved with the Slow Fashion Movement? Start your journey into slow fashion by following us on our Instagram.

Written by Elle Magaña Mireles

Elle Magaña Mireles is a Latinx ethical fashion writer with a strong conviction that clothing can be a powerful tool for creating a more equitable and compassionate world. In her free time, Elle pours her energy into her sustainable fashion blog, Sustainable Amor, immerses herself in nature, and eagerly pursues coursework on social justice.


A History of Leather


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